English Cartoon Characters
PUNCH - Circa 1870
JUDY - Circa 1875

HEIGHT = 12 inches
WIDTH = 7 3/4 inches
VALUE = $375 - $525

HEIGHT = 12 inches
WIDTH = 7 1/2 inches
VALUE = $350 - $500

Origin of Punch and Judy
Mr. Punch dates back to the wandering "Commedia Dell 'Arte" troupes of 14th century Italy. Thereafter, this minstrel show spread to France and England. Mr. Punch, the show version, made his first appearance in England on 9 May 1662. The doorstops are based on an English Satirical Magazine depicting this show. This magazine series appeared in June 1841. In 1870, this magazine introduced Punchinello or Mr. Punch. In 1875 Mr. Punch acquired a wife, Judy. Judy was originally known as Joan. As time passed, more characters were introduced. One of these characters was Alley Sloper. Note -- there are, also, doostops of Alley and his wife. Alley was as a small ill-clad humorous character. A century ago these characters were household names.

Illustrated in the Doorstops
Mr. Punch is shown with his dog, Toby. Judy is shown nursing, Punch Junior on one arm while the other hand she is hitching up her skirt to reveal her traditional pantaloons.

Punch and Judy is seen Today
    1. In an episode of "Have Gun Will Travel", the TV series, a Punch and Judy Puppet show is depicted in one scene.

    2. In the 1963 movie classic Charade, about 20 minutes into the movie, a Punch and Judy puppet show is the main focus. Charade was a 4 star thiller filmed in Paris with Cary Grant & Audrey Hepburn.

    3. In 1971, season 8, episode 8 of the TV show "Bewitched" Tabitha temporarily becomes a TV star when she pops into a children's show to reprimand two aggressive puppets, Punch and Judy

These English doorstops have many versions and are widely rerproduced.