GNOME with
Patent Date: February 3, 1931
Design Number 83,223
Inventor: C Tuteur

WEIGHT = 5.90 lbs.
HEIGHT = 9 15/16 inches
WIDTH = 5 3/16 inches
VALUE = $375 - $500

Marking :
on the backside of his cap

Note 1 :
The Designer, Charles Tuteur, of the Gnome With the Keys is the same Inventor as for London Royal Mail Coach doorstop. Also, shown on this website.
View T shows the sketch Tuteur used for the patent of this doorstop.

Note 2 :
This doorstop is cast in 2 pieces & assembled with a screw that goes easily thru one half & threaded into the second half. The screw is located just below the shoulders.

Note 3 :
This doorstop is unique. The back half of this 2 piece assembly does not match the full length of the front half. The back half stops just below the buttocks.

Note 4:
This was listed in Chicago's 1931 Shure Catalog, Page 740 for 85 cents.
See Views A1 and A2