an English Foundry

The forge dates back as far as 12 century where monks operated a bloomery called "Caldebroke Smithy". In 1572 the land was acquired by John Brooke, who constructed a number of coal mines on his land. This led to Abraham Darby leasing the land and creating the Coalbrookdale Company in 1709. He could sell his casting cheaper than competitors because he operated the furnaces using "coking coal" that came from his land. In 1658 a new blast furnace and forges were built. The furnace survives today and has a cast-iron lintel bearing a painted date of 1638. In the 19th century, Coalbrookdale was noted for its decorative ironwork. They many other cast iron items that appears in their 1825 catalogue.
To see a page out of that catalogue
See View 2

View 3 shows a detail of the Knight on that page

"At one time, Coalbrookdale was one of the world largest producers of iron castings."
The Coalbrookdale foundry closed in November 2017

View 1 shows one of their door porters.

Well-known Door Porters
Knight in Armor
(Both seen on this website)