HEIGHT = 10 1/4 inches
LENGTH = 20 inches
DEPTH = 4 inches
VALUE = $150 - $225
(On Front Side of Coach)
(On inside of Coach as seen from Back)
Some commonly thought to be doorstops are not doorstops at all but Doorstop Lamps.
The Critical Characteristics of a Doorstops Lamp is that they look like what we know as a well known doorstop from the Front.
However, they
This U-Groove holds a Hollow Threaded Rod secured by 2 nuts that sandwich this metal projection.
The Light Scocket screws onto this threaded rod and the electric chord goes thru the hollow part of the rod & plugs into the wall.
Probably, the main reason these get confused with actual doorstops is that usually the Threaded Rod, the Bulb & the Electric Chord
are missing and the only distinguishing feature is that U-Groove protuding from the backside
"Bulb with socket on a threaded rod" is covered by the metal shroud attached from backside